Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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240 LESSON 9: Using Images on Your Web Pages

  1. It’s a good idea to include text versions of imagemap links in case there are users
    who visit your page with text-only browsers or with images turned off. This way,
    they can still follow the links on the web page and visit other areas of your website.

  2. True. The property will only work if you enter the values in the proper order.


  1. Create or find some images that you can use as navigation icons or buttons on one
    or more pages of your website. Remember that it’s always advantageous to use
    images more than once. Create a simple navigation bar that you can use on the top
    or bottom of each page.

  2. Create or find some images that you can use to enhance the appearance of your
    web pages. After you find some that you like, try to create background, text, and
    link colors that are compatible with them.

  3. Create and test a simple client-side imagemap that links to pages that reside in dif-
    ferent subdirectories in a website or to other sites on the World Wide Web.

  4. Create and test a client-side imagemap for your own home page or for the entry
    page in one of the main sections of your website. Remember to include alternatives
    for those who are using text-only browsers or browsers designed for the disabled.

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