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246 LESSON 10: Building Tables


Figure 10.2 shows how this table is displayed in a browser.

Output ▼

Empty Cells
Both table heading cells and data cells can contain any text, HTML code, or both, includ-
ing links, lists, forms, images, and other tables. But what if you want a cell with nothing
in it? That’s easy. Just define a cell with a <th> or <td> element with nothing inside it:

Input ▼
<table border="1">
<td> 10 </td>
<td> 20 </td>

Some older browsers display empty cells of this sort as if they don’t exist at all, leaving
off the borders. If you want to force a truly empty cell, you can add a line break with no
other text in that cell by itself:

Input ▼
<table border="1">

An example of a
table that includes
headings in the
leftmost column.
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