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282 LESSON 10: Building Tables

Put all the preceding together, and you get a table that looks like that shown in Figure

Output ▼

How Tables Are Used

In this lesson, I explained the usage of tables in publishing tabular data. That was the
original purpose for HTML tables. In 1996, however, Netscape 2.0 introduced the option
of turning off table borders, and this, along with other limitations in HTML, changed the
way tables were used.
Before style sheets were invented and implemented in most browsers, there was only
one way to lay out elements on a page other than straight down the middle: tables. These
days, developers use CSS to lay out pages, but before CSS support in browsers became
really solid, tables were the key page layout tool that most web developers used.
Even now, there are some cases in which using tables to lay out pages make sense. If you
are creating a web page that will be sent out as part of an email message, tables should
be used. Some email clients do not support CSS, so for more advanced layouts you’re
required to use tables.


In this lesson, you’ve learned quite a lot about tables. They enable you to arrange your
information in rows and columns so that your visitors can get to the information they
need quickly.

FIGURE 10.29
The class schedule
with a head, two
bodies, and a foot.
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