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(singke) #1

Displaying Updates with progress and meter 357


background-color: #026105;
border-radius: 5px;
progress::-moz-progress-bar {
background-color: #026105;
border-radius: 5px;

Task Progress

Progress task 1:

Progress task 2:

Progress task 3:

It’s not good code, but for the moment, you cannot combine the
Firefox and Chrome styles into one style call. They don’t work if
they are combined.


progress is a useful tag for providing information to customers, but remember that it
does have a semantic element to it—it is a “progress” indicator, not just a gauge. In other
words, you should use this tag to track things that have a time component to them. If you
need to show information that does not have a time component attached, such as a disk
space monitor, use the meter element instead.

The meter element represents a measurement with a known range (for example, disk
usage, search relevance, or the fraction of voters that voted “yes” on a particular initia-
tive). You should not use meter to represent a value that does not have a known maxi-
mum value (for instance, height or weight).

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