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390 LESSON 14: Integrating Multimedia: Video and Sound

As you tweak the embed settings, the page automatically updates the embed code with
your new settings. There are four check boxes you can select. The first allows you to dis-
able the list of related videos that YouTube normally displays when a video finishes play-
ing. You may want to disable these if you want your visitors to stick around on your site
after watching your video instead of wandering off to look at other videos on YouTube.
Enabling Show player controls adds visible controls to the YouTube player (and adjusts
the height and width to accommodate the controls without shrinking the video). This is
useful if your customers have trouble getting videos started with the controls hidden by
default. Show Video Title and Player Actions leaves the title of the video at the top of
the screen along with the watch later and share buttons. Privacy-enhanced mode prevents
YouTube from storing identifying information about the user if he didn't click the player.
After you’ve chosen all of your customization options, you can copy the embed code and
use it in your page.

Other Services

YouTube is the most popular video hosting service, but there are many others, too.
Vimeo ( is a popular video hosting service that’s a lot like YouTube.
YouTube offers unlimited uploads but limits the length of video uploads to 15 minutes.
Vimeo offers a professional (paid ) account that enables subscribers to upload videos of
any length.

Vimeo’s video
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