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400 LESSON 14: Integrating Multimedia: Video and Sound

As you can see, in this case I’ve left the src attribute out of my <video> tag. Instead,
I’ve nested two <source> elements within the tag. The src attribute of <source> contains
the URL of a video file, and the type attribute provides information to the browser about
the format of that file. The browser examines the types of each of the movie files and
chooses one that is compatible.
The syntax of the type attribute can be a little bit confusing because of the punctuation.
Here’s the value:
video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"
The first part is the MIME type of the video container. The second part lists the codes
that were used to encode the audio and video portions of the file. So in this case, the con-
tainer type is video/ogg, the video codec is theora, and the audio codec is vorbis. If the
browser supports both the file type and the codecs, it will use that video file. The values
for the type attribute are as follows:
n MP4/H.264—video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"
n Ogg Theora—video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"
n WebM—video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"

Embedding Flash Using the Tag
The <object> tag is used to embed media of all kinds in web pages. Although it is most
often used to embed Flash movies, it can also be used for audio files, video files, images,
and other media types that require special players. Unlike all the other HTML tags
you’ve learned about so far, the <object> tag works very differently from browser to
browser. The problem is that browsers use different methods to determine which plug-in
should be used to display the media linked to through the <object> tag.

FIGURE 14.10
A video embedded
using the <video>
tag with <source>
tags, with controls.