404 LESSON 14: Integrating Multimedia: Video and Sound
FIGURE 14.11
Alternative con-
tent displayed in
a browser that
doesn’t support
It’s often a good idea to make your alternate content the same
size as the <object> tag to preserve the layout of your page. You
can style your alternate content with CSS or use an image of the
same size as a placeholder for the <object>.
Remember that it’s better to include an alternative that is equivalent to what they get with
the object element rather than simply suggesting they download Flash or some other
program to get your content. It’s a rare customer who will decide to download and install
a new program because a website said it wouldn’t work without it. Here’s a better alter-
<p>This page works best with <a href="">Flash
but if you can't use Flash, you can download this movie as a
<a href="">MOV</a> file and watch it on your local machine instead.</p>
Telling people they are using the wrong browser, software, or whatever is not acceptable,
and it just annoys people.
The <embed> element has been added to HTML5, mainly as a recognition of the fact that
it has been in wide use since Netscape created it when they added plug-in support to their
browser. Browsers continue to support it, mainly because many pages out there still use
First, let’s look at the required attributes of the <embed> element:
<embed src="a01607av.avi" height="120" width="160"