Workshop 417
Tag Use
The following workshop includes questions you might ask about embedding video and audio in your web pages, questions to test your knowledge, and three exercises.
Q What’s the quickest way to get started adding video to my site?
A The quickest way is to use a site like YouTube or Vimeo that makes it easy to upload your video files and then embed them using the code provided. For most publishers, using sites such as these is all that’s needed to provide video to users. Going the extra mile to host your own video is probably not worth it for the vast majority of applications, especially when you can subscribe to a site such as Vimeo for a nominal fee and publish videos hosted there without linking back to them. Q Should I be worried about web browser compatibility and standards compli- ance when it comes to audio and video?
A Unfortunately , yes. When it comes to video and audio, it’s easy to wind up writ- ing markup that isn’t standards compliant or to leave out part of your audience by using markup that won’t work with their browser. Fortunately, as long as you use the techniques listed in this lesson, you can embed video or audio in your pages in a standards-compliant way that supports all the browsers that are currently in use. Q What is the difference between H.264 and Ogg Theora?
A H.264 and Ogg Theora are both video codecs. They are slightly different in terms of performance, but the main difference is in how they are licensed. Ogg Theora is an open technology that can be implemented by anyone without restraint. To use the tag and reach the widest number of users, you should make your vid- eos available in both formats.