Advanced CSS: Page
Layout in CSS
One of the major draws of modern CSS is the freedom to replace clunky
HTML with structured HTML markup, styled by CSS rules. In Lesson 8,
“Using CSS to Style a Site,” you learned how to place individual portions
of your web page in specific locations using absolute positioning or float-
ing content. You can use the same types of style rules to build the visual
structure of the page.
In this lesson, you’ll learn about the following:
n The different strategies for laying out a page in CSS
n Why it’s a bad idea to use <table> for page layout
n The steps to replacing a table-based layout with a CSS-based
n How to write HTML code for CSS-based layouts
n How to use positioned content to lay out a page
n How to use floating columns to lay out a page
n Which questions you need to ask yourself before starting on a
style sheet
n How to organize your style sheets to make them easier to use and