Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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20 LESSON 1: What Is Web Publishing?


To publish on the Web, you have to understand the basic concepts that make up the parts
of the Web. In this lesson, you learned three major concepts. First, you learned about
a few of the more useful features of the Web for publishing information. Second, you
learned about web browsers and servers and how they interact to deliver web pages.
Third, you learned about what a URL is and why it’s important to web browsing and


Each lesson in this book contains a workshop to help you review the topics you learned.
The first section of this workshop lists some common questions about the Web. Next,
you’ll answer some questions that I’ll ask you about the Web. The answers to the quiz
appear in the next section. At the end of each lesson, you’ll find some exercises that will
help you retain the information you learned about the Web.


Q Who runs the Web? Who controls all these protocols? Who’s in charge of all
A No single entity owns or controls the World Wide Web. Given the enormous num-
ber of independent sites that supply information to the Web, for any single organi-
zation to set rules or guidelines would be impossible. Two groups of organizations,
however, have a great influence over the look and feel and direction of the Web
The first is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), based at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in the United States and INRIA in Europe. The W3C is
made up of individuals and organizations interested in supporting and defining the
languages and protocols that make up the Web (HTTP, HTML, XHTML, and so
on). It also provides products (browsers, servers, and so on) that are freely available
to anyone who wants to use them. The W3 Consortium is the closest anyone gets to
setting the standards for and enforcing rules about the World Wide Web. You can
visit the Consortium’s home page at
The second group of organizations that influences the Web is the browser devel-
opers themselves, most notably Google, Apple, Microsoft, and the Mozilla
Foundation. The competition to be the most popular and technically advanced
browser on the Web can be fierce. A group of people and companies interested
in the future of the Web have created an organization called the Web Hypertext
Application Technology Working Group (or WHATWG). The WHATWG, along
with the W3C, wrote the HTML5 specification.
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