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462 LESSON 16: Using Responsive Web Design

<title>Flexible Width Images</title>
img {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
max-width: 1920px;

<h1>Flexible Width Images</h1>
<img src="swiss-shepherd-dog-354536_1920.jpg" alt="Swiss Shepherd Dog">
<figcaption> Image courtesy Pixabay</figcaption>

And as you can see in Figure 16.7, it fills up the screen on an iPhone in landscape mode.

Output ▼

In many ways, making videos responsive is even easier than images. This is because the
HTML5 video tag allows you to embed multiple source files. Absent any other informa-
tion, the browser will use the source file that is best for it. But media queries let you pro-
vide even more information. Here is the HTML for adding a video:
<video controls>
<source src="video.mp4">

The image fills up
the screen on an
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