Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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Anatomy of a Website 25


length). Web pages sometimes are called web documents. Both terms refer to the same
thing. A web page consists of an HTML document and all the other components that are
included on the page, such as images or other media.

Most websites aren’t built out of individual pages these days.
Rather, they are created using applications that publish web con-
tent stored in a database of some kind through a common set of
templates. The URLs on the site act as input for the publishing
application. In this book, you’ll still be creating web pages in the
traditional sense, because it’s the easiest way to learn.


If you’re publishing a website, the home page is the first or topmost page on your web-
site. It’s the intended entry point that provides access to the rest of the pages on the site
(see Figure 2.2).

Most of your customers will access your site through your home
page, but some will enter your site through other pages. The
nature of the Web is that people can link to any page on your
site. If you have interesting information on a page other than your
home page, people will link directly to that page. On the other
pages of your site, you shouldn’t assume that the visitor has seen
your home page.


The home page

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A home page often contains an overview of the content of the website, available from
that starting point—for example, in the form of a table of contents or a set of icons. If

A home page.
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