28 LESSON 2: Getting Your Tools in Order
Figure 2.3 is a screenshot of the OS X text editor TextEdit. It is notable mainly due to
the fact that it has no text formatting menu or toolbar at all. This is what you’re looking
for in a text editor; it should enable you to edit the contents of the file without applying
formatting of any kind.
A Web Browser
As mentioned in the previous lesson, a number of popular web browsers are available,
and you can use any that you like to surf the Web on a day-to-day basis. However, as
you’re working through the lessons in this book, I’m going to recommend one browser
in particular: Google Chrome. The main reason is that Google Chrome offers a number
of powerful tools aimed at helping people create websites. Other browsers have similar
tools, but I’m going to make reference to the Google Chrome Developer Tools specifi-
cally in the text, and you’ll find it easier to follow along if you’re using Google Chrome
as well. If you feel confident, you can choose another browser if you prefer. (You’ll
need to translate the parts where I mention Google Chrome to your own browser, but I’d
encourage you to download Google Chrome and work through the next section regardless
of which browser you plan to ultimately use, especially if you’re completely unfamil-
iar with these kinds of tools). You can download Google Chrome at
TextEdit on OS X.