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(singke) #1

Inline Frames 563


in the HTML source for parent.html, the three
hyperlinks could have been written as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Parent Window - Red

Parent Window - Red


the Yellow Page in a new window.

Open the Blue Page in a new


the yellow page with the Green Page.

In this case, yellow.html and green.html load into the default window assigned by the

tag (yellow_page); blue.html overrides the default by defining its own target
window of blue_page.

You also can override the window assigned with the tag by using one of two spe-
cial window names. If you use target="blank" in a hyperlink, it opens a new browser
window that doesn’t have a name associated with it. Alternatively, if you use target="

self", the current window is used rather than the one defined by the tag.

If you don’t provide a target using the <base> tag and you don’t
indicate a target in a link’s <a> tag, the link will load the new
document in the same window as the link.


Inline Frames

The main advantage of inline frames is that you can position them anywhere on a web
page, just as you can other elements like images or movies. You can incorporate content
from another page or even another site into a page in a seamless way through the use of
inline frames. In fact, inline frames, which are specified using the