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Writing for the Mobile Web 581


Writing for the Mobile Web

Writing on the mobile Web is no different from writing in the real world. Although it’s
not committed to hard copy, it’s still published and is still a reflection of you and your
work. In fact, because your writing is online and your visitors have many other options
when it comes to finding something to read, you’ll have to follow the rules of good writ-
ing that much more closely.

Because of the vast quantities of information available on the Web, your visitors aren’t
going to have much patience if your web page is poorly organized or full of spelling
errors. They’re likely to give up after the first couple of sentences and move on to some-
one else’s page. After all, there are several million pages out there. No one has time to
waste on bad pages.

I don’t mean that you have to go out and become a professional writer to create a good
web page, but I give you a few hints for making your web page easier to read and under-
stand as well as some tips for optimizing your writing for mobile devices.

The W3 Validator
acknowledges a job
well done.

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