Publishing Your Files 635
A number of clients support FTP, SCP, and SFTP through the same interface. As long
as you have the name of the server, your username, your password, and the name of the
directory where you want to put your files, you can use any of these clients to upload
your web content.
One option that’s often available is publishing files through your HTML editing tool.
Many popular HTML and text editors have built-in support for FTP, SCP, and SFTP.
You should definitely check your tool of choice to see whether it enables you to transfer
files using FTP from directly within the application. Some popular tools that provide FTP
support include Adobe Dreamweaver, Panic Coda, and HTML-Kit. Text editors such
as UltraEdit, Textmate, and jEdit support saving files to a server via FTP, too. If your
HTML editor doesn’t support FTP, or if you’re transferring images, multimedia files, or
even bunches of HTML files simultaneously, you’ll probably want a dedicated FTP cli-
ent. A list of some popular choices follows:
n CuteFTP (Windows, OS X)—
n FTP Explorer (W indows)—
n FileZilla (Windows, OS X, Linux)—
n Cyberduck (Windows, OS X)—
n Transmit (OS X)—
n Fetch (OS X)—
All the tools listed support FTP, SFTP, and SCP, and some support other transfer options
like WebDAV and Dropbox. How the FTP client is used varies depending on which cli-
ent you choose, but there are some commonalities among all of them that you can count
on (more or less). You’ll start out by configuring a site consisting of the hostname of the
server where you’ll publish the files, your username and password, and perhaps some
other settings that you can leave alone if you’re just getting started.
If you’re sharing a computer with other people, you probably won’t
want to store the password for your account on the server in the
FTP client. Make sure that the site is configured so that you have
to enter your password every time you connect to the remote site.
After you’ve set up your FTP client to connect to your server, you can connect to the site.
Depending on your FTP client, you should be able to simply drag files onto the window
that shows the list of files on your site to upload them or drag them from the listing on
the server to your local computer to download them.