Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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650 LESSON 23: How to Publish Your Site

  1. The default index file is loaded when a URL ends with a directory name rather than
    a filename. Typical examples of default index files are index.html, index.htm, and
    default.htm. If you use default filenames, you can use a URL such as http:// rather than to get to the home
    page in the directory.

  2. Make sure that your browser can reach your web pages on the server, that you can
    access the files on your website, and that your links and images work as expected.
    After you’ve determined that everything appears the way you think it should, have
    your friends and family test your pages in other browsers.

  3. Some ways you can promote your site include using major web directories and
    search engines, asking for links, writing guest posts, and adding site links to busi-
    ness cards and other promotional materials.

  4. A pageview is a view of a file from your website.


  1. Start shopping around and consider where you want to host your website. Find
    a couple of web hosting firms that look like good options and do some research
    online to see what their existing customers have to say about them.

  2. Upload and test a practice page to learn the process, even if it’s just a blank page
    that you’ll add content to later. You might work out a few kinks this way before
    you actually upload all your hard work on the Web.

  3. Visit some of the search engines listed in this lesson to obtain a list of the sites
    where you want to promote your web page. Review each of the choices to see
    whether there are special requirements for listing your page.

  4. Sign up for a Google Analytics account and install it on your site. Explore the
    reports to see what kind of information it provides about your site.

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