Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

(singke) #1

724 link menus

link menus, 583
creating, 101-103, 148-149
<link> tag, 117, 161
linked windows, 557
accessibility, 619
<base> tag, 562-563
creating, 560-562
JavaScript, opening with, 567-571
links, 117-119. See also hypertext
active state, 173
anchors, 104
creating, 105
hash signs and, 108
linking in same page, 110
sample exercises, 105-109
canonical links, 698
creating, 90
<a> tags, 90-91
sample exercise, 91, 95
CSS, modifying with, 173-174
hover state, 173
images, 214-218
in mobile web design, 587-588
definition links, 590
explicit navigation links, 589
“here” syndrome, 588
implicit navigation links, 589
link menus, 587
tangent links, 590
when to use, 589-591
link menus, creating, 101-103
local pages, pathnames, 95-98
navigation links, 583
paying for, 700
remote pages, linking to, 98
sample exercise, 99-100
to home page, 597
troubleshooting, 637

Web pages, adding to, 547-548
writing accessible HTML, 615
Links Web browser, 17
Linode, 630
liquid layouts, 427
list-style-image properties, 87
unordered lists, 80
list-style-position properties, unordered lists, 80
list-style-position property, 87
list-style property, 87
list-style-type property, 87
15.1 (Using <div> Tags to Create Sections for
Positioning), 424-425
15.2 (Style Sheet for Page Layout), 427
15.3 (Style Sheet for Colors and Fonts), 429
15.4 (Moving One Section Before Another),
15.5 (Float-Based Layouts in CSS), 433-434
15.6 (Randomly Organized Style Sheet), 437
15.7 (Better-Organized Style Sheet), 438
lists, 72-73
customizing numbered lists, 75-77
HTML tags for, 72-73
numbered lists, 73
importance of, 582
nesting lists, 82-84
ordered lists, 73
customizing, 74-77
other uses for, 84-85
unordered lists, 78
customizing, 78-80
Little Brother, 10-11
loading external data, AJAX, 521-525
local pages, linking (pathnames), 95-98
location object (JavaScript), 491
log files, 645
accessing, 644
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