Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

(singke) #1

Workshop 55


Quiz Answers

  1. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. XHTML stands for Extensible
    Hypertext Markup Language.

  2. HTML enables you to describe the structure of a document so that it can be styled,
    either using HTML tags or using CSS.

  3. HTML doesn’t control the layout of a page because it’s designed to be cross-
    platform. It takes the differences of many platforms into account and allows all
    browsers and all computer systems to be on equal ground.

  4. Most HTML elements consist of opening and closing tags, and they surround the
    text that they affect. The tags are enclosed in brackets (<>). The beginning tag turns
    on a feature, and the ending tag, which is preceded by a forward slash (/), turns it


  1. Before you actually start writing a meatier HTML page, getting a feel for what an
    HTML page looks like certainly helps. Luckily, you can find plenty of source mate-
    rial to look at. Every page that comes over the wire to your browser is in HTML
    (or perhaps XHTML) format.
    One feature of Chrome’s Developer Tools (and developer tools provided by other
    browsers) is the ability to edit the content and style of pages while they are being
    displayed. Use the Chrome Developer Tools to make some changes to a web page
    as you watch.
    For example, go to the HTML5 article in Wikipedia (
    HTML5) and open the Chrome Developer Tools. Use the inspector tool to go to the
    article title. Double-click the title and change it to something else. You’ll see the
    change reflected on the page. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also change
    the styles associated with the page to alter its appearance. None of these changes
    will be preserved, so feel free to experiment.
    When you’re working on your own web pages, you can use the Developer Tools
    to experiment rather than editing your files, saving your changes, and reloading the
    web page. Just edit your pages in the Developer Tools and then transfer the changes
    back to your files once you’re happy with the results you see.

  2. Try viewing the source of your own favorite web pages, either using View Source
    or with the Developer Tools. You should start seeing some similarities in the way
    pages are organized and get a feel for the kinds of tags that HTML uses. You can
    learn a lot about HTML by comparing the text onscreen with the source for that

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