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Headings 63


page that shows several examples of folding bed sheets—for example, part of a long pre-
sentation on how to fold bed sheets—the title might look something like the following:

How to Fold Sheets: Some Examples

The topmost heading, however, might just be as follows:


Don’t use headings to display text in boldface type or to make cer-
tain parts of your page stand out more. Although the result might
look as you intend, the markup will not represent the structure of
your page. This comes into play for search engines, accessibility,
and some browsers.


Figure 4.2 shows the following headings as they appear in a browser:

Input ▼

Mythology Through the Ages

Common Mythological Themes

Earliest Known Myths

Origins of Mythology

Mesopotamian Mythology

Egyptian Mythology

The Story of Isis and Osiris

Horus and Set: The Battle of Good vs. Evil

The Twelve Hours of the Underworld

The River Styx

History in Myth

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