68 LESSON 4: Learning the Basics of HTML
HTML, a text-only markup language used to describe hypertext pages on the World Wide
Web, describes the structure of a page, not its appearance.
In this lesson, you learned what HTML is and how to write and preview simple HTML
files. You also learned about the HTML tags shown in Table 4.1.
TABLE 4.1 HTML Tags from Lesson 4
Tag Use
<html> .. </html> The entire HTML page
<head> .. </head> The head, or prologue, of the HTML page
<body> .. </body> All the other content in the HTML page
<title> .. </title> The title of the page
<h1> .. </h1> First-level heading
<h2> .. </h2> Second-level heading
<h3> .. </h3> Third-level heading
<h4> .. </h4> Fourth-level heading
<h5> .. </h5> Fifth-level heading
<h6> .. </h6> Sixth-level heading
<p> .. </p> A paragraph
You’ve learned a lot in this lesson, and the following workshop will help you remember
some of the most important points. I’ve anticipated some of the questions you might have
in the first section of the workshop.
Q In some web pages, I’ve noticed that the page structure tags (<html>, <head>,
<body>) aren’t used. Do I really need to include them if pages work just fine
without them?
A Most browsers handle plain HTML without the page structure tags. The only tag
that is required in HTML5 is the <title> tag. But it’s a good idea to get into the
habit of using the structure tags now. Including these tags ensures that browsers
handle your markup properly. And, using these tags is the correct thing to do if you
want your pages to conform to true HTML format.