Python Programming for Raspberry Pi, Sams Teach Yourself in 24 Hours

(singke) #1
which provides a separate matrix object and functions to perform matrix math using those
Q. Most programming languages support associative arrays, matching a key to a value in an
array. Do lists or tuples support this feature?
A. No. Python uses a separate data type to support associative array features (see Hour 9,
“Dictionaries and Sets”). Tuples and lists can only use numeric index values.



1. What does Python use to denote a list value?
a. Parentheses
b. Square brackets
c. Braces

  1. You can change a data value in a tuple, but not in a list. True or False.

  2. What list comprehension statement should you use to quickly create a list of multiples of 3 up
    to 30?


1. b. You’ll need to get in the habit of remembering that Python uses parentheses for tuples, and
square brackets for lists.
2. False. Python allows you to change the data values in a list, but tuple values remain constant,
you can’t change them!
3. [x * 3 for x in range(11)]. The comprehension uses the variable x to represent
the numbers in the range. Each iteration multiplies the number by 3 before saving it in the range.
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