By the Way: Raspberry Pi Already Up and Running?
If you are currently a Pi owner and have your Raspberry Pi up and running, you can
skip the rest of this hour.
Acquiring a Raspberry Pi
Before you purchase a Pi, you need to understand a few things:
What you get when you buy a Raspberry Pi
The different Pi models available
Where you can buy a Raspberry Pi
What peripherals you’ll need
When you buy a Raspberry Pi, you get an exposed circuit board about the size of your palm, with a
system on a chip (SoC), memory, and ports. Figure 1.2 shows a Raspberry Pi Model B diagram
depicting what you receive. It does not come with an internal storage device, a keyboard, or any
peripherals—so you will want to acquire a few peripherals to get your Pi up and running.
FIGURE 1.2 Diagram of the Raspberry Pi Model B.
Did You Know: What Is a SoC?
A system on a chip (SoC) is a single microchip or integrated circuit (IC) that contains
all the components needed for a system. SoCs are typically found on cell phones and
embedded devices. For the Raspberry Pi, the SoC contains both an ARM processor for
application processing and a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) for video processing.