single quotes (‘), print function syntax, 72 - 73
slicing, 202
smtplib module, 425 , 427 - 429
SoC (system on a chip), 10
socket module, 439
socket programming, 438 - 445
client programs, 438 - 439
creating, 441 - 444
running, 443 - 445
server programs
creating, 439 - 441
running, 443 - 445
servers, 438 - 439
playback, controlling, 517 - 521
playing continuously, 522 - 525
playlists, 516 - 517
randomizing, 521
queuing, 515
special presentations, 521 - 525
sort() function, 166
sorted() function, 169 - 170 , 179 - 180
sorting lists, 169 - 170
sound, adding to games, 407
source code, obtaining for PyGame library, 392 - 393
special characters as regular expression pattern, 323
speed of presentations, improving, 507 - 513
splitting strings, 204 - 205
sprites, 396
stacks, 164
standard modules, 259 - 261
starting up IDLE, 55
commands for testing, 65
try except statement, 344
creating multiple blocks of, 347 - 350
options, 350 - 352
statistical math functions in math module, 110
music on removable drive, 515 - 516
photos on removable drive, 498 - 501