great thinkers, great ideas

(singke) #1
Liberals tend to believe in freedom, relativity, and self-expres-
sion. The freedom to experiment allows for the hoped-for
progress, while the self-expression allows for a fuller life.
Values are relative, since values are no different from anything
else on earth, and everything on earth is subject to change.
Liberals who believe in God would probably view God as an
understanding God, while conservatives would see God as a
forgiving God.


To the conservative, society is like a living organism. It exists
today as the sum total of the contributions of countless genera­
tions of individuals whose wisdom we would do well to contem­
plate. The conservative stands for order, tradition, evolutionary
change, and a social structure based on the concept of a natural
aristocracy. When societies experience violent upheaval they
lose their continuity with the past and thereby jeopardize their
future. Order and tradition provide the stability from which
progress springs. No nation in turmoil can progress and im­
prove. Since all men are equal only before God and the law, the
conservative notes that all men are unequal in their talent and
ambition. Given the freedom to exercise their talents, social
diversity is a demonstration of a free society.
The liberal sees society as an institution which inhibits indi­
viduals, and therefore, places a premium on the need to experi­
ment, change, reform, and progress. The liberal, looking to the
future rather than the past, is willing to discard tradition easily.
Social change is encouraged, especially when it results in
equality, a virtue high on the liberal’s list of priorities. Science
and discovery are the vehicles liberals use to bring people into a
better future, and the future is where they place their hopes. In
short, liberals have an optimistic view of change, while conser­
vatives are more pessimistic in their outlook.


The conservative view of politics is that the purpose of the
state is to promote the good life. They believe in limited
government, order, the rule of law, and enlightened representa­

16 An Introduction to Clearer Thinking
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