great thinkers, great ideas

(singke) #1
Index 267

being-for-itself, 104-105, 106
being-in-itself, 104-105, 106
Bentham, Jeremy, 54, 85-88, 89
social sanctions, 87
writings, 85
Bodin, Jean, 113, 114, 187
bonum consummatum, 93
Buber, Martin, 104
Burke, Edmund, 14, 174-178
and the law, 175-176
the state, 175-177
writings, 174

concentration of, 184, 244
marginal efficiency of, 230
capitalism, 184, 185, 187, 189, 199,
200, 239, 240, 243
displacement of, 184-185, 239
free enterprise, 231
Capitalism and Freedom, 232
categorical imperative, 92-93,
categorical syllogism, 24-29
cause and effect, 83
causes, four, 62
circular argument, see begging the ques­
The City of God, 146
civil law, 121
civil religion, 172
class conflict, 184, 186,214
classless society, 185, 186, 187
codifications, as a source of law, 123
collective ownership of property, 240
commentaries, 123
Commonwealth by Acquisition, 163-
Commonwealth by Institution, 163-164
communism, 184, 185, 187, 189, 199-

The Communist Manifesto, 184-185
comparative advantage, theory of, 208
complex question, 39-40, 43
composition and division, 34, 36
concentration of capital, 184, 244
concentration of powers, 133-134
conditional syllogism, 29-30
Condorcet, M., 210
confederate systems of government, 134
consent of the governed, 167
consequent passion, 51, 52
conservative, 12-19
economics, 17-18
education, 18
morality, 15
the nature of man, 14-15
politics, 16-17
society, 16
worldview, 19
conspicuous consumption, theory of,
conspicuous leisure, theory of, 221,222
conspicuous waste, 221
Constitutional law, 124
consumption, law of, 229
contiguity in time or place, 83
corporate state, 190-191
correspondence theory of truth, 21, 22
criminal law, 121
Critique of Pure Reason, 90
custom, as source of law, 121-122

Das Kapital, 183
decree law, 124
demand, law of, 200
democracy, 141, 143, 171, 172, 173,
democratic fallacy, 188
demonstrative knowledge, 165
depression, economic, 228
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