
([email protected]) #1

for the gate pulse at which the com-
parator switches state. When the gate
pulse voltage exceeds 2V, the compara-
tor U702.1 output will rapidly go from
a negative to a positive voltage. This
positive-going voltage via D704 cre-
ates a short duration pulse at pin 1 of
U701.1. The pulse width is determined
by the values of the RC circuit of C705
and R705. U701.1 and U701.2 form a
fl ip-fl op or latch circuit, with pin 1
being the set and pin 6 the reset. The
pulse at pin one sets the fl ip-fl op so its
output at pin 4 of U701.2 – point ‘A1’

  • goes high, which turns off bilateral
    switch U705.3 and turns on bilateral
    switch U705.2. C715 (and C718 if range
    switch is set to ‘long’) begins to charge
    up at a rate depending on the Attack
    pot (VR701). The voltage across C715
    is buffered by U704.2 and connects to
    the ADSR1 output bus through R719.
    So, we are now in the attack phase
    with the period set by the RC circuit
    of VR701 + R720 and C715 (+C718).
    The ADSR output voltage also feeds
    a comparator (U704.3) with its thresh-
    old set to 10V by U704.4, R716 and
    R718. When the attack voltage ex-
    ceeds 10V, the output of U704.3, pin
    8, quickly goes from a negative state
    to a positive state. This positive-go-
    ing signal resets (pin 6) the fl ip-fl op
    of U701.1 and U701.2 with its output
    (pin 4) point ‘A1’ going low. As the
    gate signal is still present at pin 13 of
    U701.4 via Schmitt inverters U703.1
    and U703.6, point ‘R1’ remains low,

but with point ‘A1’
going low, bilateral
switch U705.2 opens.
These conditions also
cause U701.3 output,
pin 10 (point ‘D1’)
to go high indicating
that we are now in the
decay phase.
With point ‘D1’ high,
bilateral switch U705.1
closes, which discharg-
es C715 (plus C718)
through the decay pot
(VR702 plus R720).
This time, C715 (plus
C718) will only dis-
charge to the voltage level at the output
of U704.1, which is the sustain level set
by VR703. This is now a steady-state
condition and will remain so until the
gate pulse is removed, at which point
C715 (plus C718) is discharged to
ground when bilateral switch U705.3
closes through the release pot (VR704
plus R720).
If the gate is applied and release
before the decay phase, the output
of U703.1 goes high and resets the
fl ip-fl op, so that the release phase is
immediately commenced.
If the mode is changed to trigger at
S703, a trigger pulse is generated with
U702.2 and the fl ip-fl op latches as in
the gate mode. However, on completion
of the attack phase and as there is no
gate signal present, the release phase
is executed. Therefore, in trigger mode
the ADSR is actually an AR envelope
generator with the period independent
of how long a key is present.

Repeat gate circuit description
The repeat gate generator in Fig.65 is
a square wave oscillator used to con-
tinually trigger the ADSR envelope
generators, especially in trigger mode.
U5 has positive feedback applied
through R41 to its non-inverting input.
On power up, U5’s output may be
high or low as it is indeterminate, but
let’s assume low at around –11V. C22,
which is a non-polarised aluminium
capacitor and was at ground potential
begins to charge towards –11V through
VR12 plus R38. A potential divider
of R41 and R40 hold the non-invert-
ing input at around –1.4V. Eventually,
C22 charges up a voltage lower than
–1.4V and as U5 acts as a comparator,
its output fl ips high to +11V. Now the
voltage at the non-inverting input is
held at +1.4V and C22 begins to charge
towards +11V. Once the voltage across
C22 exceeds +1.4V, U5 fl ips low again
and the cycle repeats – oscillates. LED
D4 driven by Q4 indicates the state of
the pulse output.

Sample and Hold (S&H) circuit
The S&H circuit of Fig.67 consists of
two sections, the sample and hold plus
a pulse generator. The pulse generator is
very similar to the repeat gate generator
described above. The main difference
is the introduction of D1, which quick-
ly charges C17 through R24 when U3
output is high, bypassing the sample
rate pot (VR9). Unlike the square wave
output from the repeat gate generator,
the S&H clock is a pulse waveform with
a short positive-going pulse with a fre-
quency range of around 0.5 to 50Hz.
The S&H section has a choice of two
input signals to sample, LFO2 output
and the white noise source, selected by
S1. The selected input signal is applied
to the input level pot (VR11) and from
there to the inverting input of op amp
U4.1 via R27. U4.1 inverts this signal
with a gain of 0.5 and offsets the volt-
age to a level of about 6.5 to 7V. The
output of U4.1 is applied to the sam-
pling FET transistor switch (Q2). Q2
provides a higher off resistance when
the signal on the source pin ‘S’ is kept
above ground potential.
The pulse output from the clock gen-
erator is applied via the differentiator
circuit of C11 and bias network of R22
and R23 to the gate pin of Q2 to shorten

Fig.64. ADSR1 and ADSR2 assembled.
(Whoops, I managed to solder the IC
socket for U804 upside down!)

Fig.66. Repeat gate assembled.

Fig.65. MIDI Ultimate repeat gate circuit.
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