
([email protected]) #1
where BFR is the basic failure rate (% per
1,000 hours), VW is the actual working
(operating) voltage (in volts), and VMR is
the manufacturer’s rated voltage.
Hence, the effective failure rate for
capacitor A will be:

While the effective failure at for capacitor
B will be:

From this it is worth noting that, even
with a lower basic failure rate, capacitor
B is over three times more likely to fail
than capacitor A!

Dissipation factor and ESR
Table 6.2 lists typical electrolytic
capacitor characteristics in relation to
voltage rating. Note how dissipation
factor decreases as the voltage rating
increases. Higher-voltage electrolytics

tend to have a larger case sizes together
with lower ESR values (see Table 6.2).
As a result, internal temperature and
dissipation factor can be signifi cantly
reduced by selecting a component with
a higher voltage rating than is strictly
necessary for a given application. By
limiting internal dissipation, the working
temperature of the capacitor is reduced,
enhancing dielectric life and ensuring
long term reliability. Thus, when the time
comes to select an electrolytic component
for use as a reservoir capacitor or ripple
fi lter, it is generally wise to apply some
voltage de-rating.

recommended maximum value. With
older electrolytic capacitors it was
possible for the dielectric to slowly
deteriorate when the capacitor was
operated at signifi cantly less than its
rated value. Nowadays, use of high purity
aluminium foil has largely eliminated
this effect. Indeed, the effect of using
an electrolytic capacitor at less than its
rated value is to increase the reliability of
the dielectric in accordance with a fi fth
power law. It’s worth illustrating this
with two contrasting examples:

Capacitor A
Capacitor value ......................10,000μF
Manufacturer’s voltage rating ......100V
Actual working (operating) voltage .. 67V
Basic failure rate ............0.1% / 1,000 hrs

Capacitor B
Capacitor value ........................6,800μF
Manufacturer’s voltage rating ........50V
Actual working (operating) voltage .. 50V
Basic failure rate ......0.05% per 1,000 hrs

The effective failure rate (EFR) for a
capacitor can be calculated from:

Fig.6.11. Some low-cost component
checkers incorporate capacitor ESR
measurement. Here a good quality
4700μF axial lead capacitor is
being tested.



×× × −




π ××× ×−



× × ×



= ×⎛⎞
⎜⎟⎝⎠ % per 1,000 hours

× ×⎛⎞

× ×⎛⎞



×× × −




π ××× ×−



× × ×


0.1 0.1 0.135


= ×⎜⎟= × =

× ×⎛⎞



×× × −




π ××× ×−



× × ×


× ×⎛⎞⎜⎟ 5 0.0135% per 1000 hours=

× ×⎛⎞



×× × −




π ××× ×−



× × ×


× ×⎛⎞

0.05 0.05 1

EFR= ×⎛⎞⎜⎟= × =



×× × −




π ××× ×−



× × ×


× ×⎛⎞

× ×⎛⎞⎜⎟ 1 0.05% per 1000 hours=

Voltage rating (V) 10 16 25 35 50 63

Dissipation factor (D) 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.1

ESR (Ω) 1.15 0.97 0.84 0.72 0.6 0.6

Max ripple current (mA) 260 320 430 480 540 580

Voltage rating (V) 10 16 25 35 50 63

Dissipation factor (D) 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05

ESR (Ω) 0.5 0.4 0.32 0.28 0.22 0.21

Max. ripple current (mA) 380 450 600 700 900 1,100

Table 6.2 Typical characteristics for conventional
electrolytic capacitors

Table 6.3 Typical characteristics for ‘low-ESR’
electrolytic capacitors

Practi cal Proj ect: 9V-to-15V

CMOS Logi c Suppl y Conver ter_____

This month’s Practical Project takes the
form of a 9V-to-15V voltage converter
based on a low-cost 555 timer and
voltage doubler. This circuit is ideal for
supplying power to CMOS logic devices
that require a nominal 15V supply. The
specifi cations are shown in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4 Specifi cations for the 9V-to-
15V CMOS Logic Supply Converter

Input voltage ...............................................9V
Output voltage .............................15V (±0.5V)
Load current ........15mA nominal (25mA max)
Switching frequency ...................32kHz approx
Load regulation .............................13% approx
Output resistance ........................ 100 Ω approx

The circuit of our 9V-to-15V CMOS Logic
Supply Converter is shown in Fig.6.12.

A 555 timer (IC1) is used as an astable
oscillator with its operating frequency
determined by R1, R2 and C2. The square
wave output from pin-3 at approximately
32kHz is fed to a simple voltage-doubler
arrangement comprising D2/D3 and C4/
C5. The fi nal DC output appearing across
C5 is approximately double that of the
supply (less the forward voltage drops
associated with D2 and D3).

You will need...
Perforated copper stripboard (9 strips
each with 25 holes)
2 2-way PCB screw terminal connector
(ST1 and ST2)
1 1kΩ resistor (R1)
1 22kΩ resistor (R2)
3 100μF 35V capacitors (C1, C4 and C5)
1 1nF ceramic capacitor (C2)
1 100nF ceramic capacitor (C3)
1 555 8-pin DIL timer (IC1)
1 low-profi le 8-pin DIL socket
3 1N4148 diodes (D1 to D3)
1 15V Zener diode (optional, see text)
4 stand-off pillars and mounting screws

The stripboard layout of the 9V-to-15V
CMOS logic supply converter is shown
in Fig.6.13. Note that there are 23 track

Fig.6.12. Teach-In Practical Project: 9V-to-15V CMOS Logic Supply Converter.
(To improve output voltage accuracy, a 15V Zener diode (in red) can be added.)
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