SLEEVE (make two)
Using 4mm needles and yarn A,
cast on 37 (39, 43, 47) sts
£ Beg with a k (RS) row, work
four rows in st st
£ Next row (picot): k1, yfwd,
k2tog, rep from to end
£ Next row: p to end
£ Beg with a k row, work in st st
inc one st at each end of fifth and
every foll tenth row to 59 (61, 65,
69) sts AT THE SAME TIME work
in foll stripe sequence: six rows in
yarn A, six rows in yarn B, two
rows in yarn A, six rows in yarn C,
two rows in yarn A, six rows in
yarn D
Cont in yarn A only
£ Cont without shaping until
Sleeve meas 42cm from picot
row, ending after a WS row
Shape sleeve top
£ Cast off three sts at beg next
two rows. 53 (55, 59, 63) sts
£ Cast off two sts at beg of next
two rows. 49 (51, 55, 59) sts
£ Work 2 (2, 1, 1) rows without
First and second sizes only
£ Work 35 (37, -, -) rows dec one
st at each end of next and foll alt
row. 13 (13, -, -) sts
£ Work 1 (3, -, -) rows in st st,
ending after a WS row
£ Cast off
Third and fourth sizes only
£ Work - (-, 40, 43) rows dec
one st at each end of next and
every foll third row until
- (-, 27, 29) sts rem
£ Dec one st at each end of
next - (-, 6, 7) rows. 15 sts
£ Work one row
£ Cast off
Press all pieces gently.
Sew right shoulder seam
using backstitch
£ Using 3.75mm needles
and yarn A, with RS facing,
pick up and k 22 (24, 26,
27) sts down left Front
neck, k 17 (19, 23, 25) sts
on Front holder, pick up
and k 22 (24, 26, 27) sts
up right Front neck, k
three sts down Back
neck, k 33 (35, 39, 43) on
Back holder, pick up and k
three sts up Back neck.
100 (108, 120, 128) sts
£ Rows 1-5: * k2, p2, rep
from * to end
£ Cast off
in rib
Join left shoulder and Neckband
seam, fold Sleeves in half
lengthways and place fold to
shoulder seams. Stitch
Sleeves in place. Sew side
and underarm seams.
Fold first four rows of hem
at picot row and slip stitch
in place on wrong side LK