NOTE: number of beads for each
sequence is listed in brackets,
alternatively, thread 666 beads
before casting on
Using 3.25mm needles,
cast on 99 sts
£ Foundation row (WS): k1, * p1,
k1, rep from * to end
Work patts in foll order:
£ Work Rows 1-30 of Beaded
Butterflies (123 beads)
£ Work Rows 1-12 of Beaded
Seeds, then Rows 1-6 once more
(20 beads)
£ Work Rows 1-28 of Beaded
Bees twice, then Rows 1-14 once,
then keeping M3 edges correct,
beg with a k row, work six rows in
st st (56 beads)
£ Work Rows 1-12 of Beaded
Seeds twice, then Rows 1-6 once
(33 beads)
£ Work Rows 1-10 of Flowers
(six beads)
£ Work Rows 1-12 of Beaded
Seeds three times, then Rows 1-6
once (46 beads)
£ Work Rows 1-10 of Flowers
(six beads)
£ Work Rows 1-12 of Beaded
Seeds four times, then Rows 1-6
once (59 beads)
£ Work Rows 1-10 of Flowers
(six beads)
£ Work Rows 1-12 of Beaded
Seeds five times, then Rows 1-6
once (72 beads)
£ Work Rows 1-10 Flowers
(six beads)
£ Work Rows 1-12 of Beaded
Seeds six times, then Rows 1-6
once (85 beads)
£ Work Rows 1-10 of Flowers
(six beads)
£ Work Rows 1-12 of Beaded
Seeds seven times, then Rows
1-6 once (98 beads)
£ Work Rows 1-10 of Flowers
(six beads)
£ Work Rows 1-6 of Beaded
Seeds (seven beads)
£ Work Rows 1-10 of Flowers
(six beads)
£ Work Rows 1-6 of Beaded
Seeds (seven beads)
£ Work Rows 1-8 of Flowers
(six beads)
£ Work Rows 1-6 of Flowers
(six beads)
£ Work Rows 1-5 of Flowers
(six beads)
£ Cast off in (k1, p1) rib as
Foundation Row
Weave in ends and block to
measurements LK
£ Row 13: M3, k3, k12, P2B, k15,
rep from to last three sts, M3
£ Row 14: M3, p3, P1B, (p1, P1B) five
times, p5, P1B, (p1, P1B) five times,
p3, rep from to last three sts, M3
£ Row 15: M3, k3, (yfwd, k2tog) six
times, P3B, (ssk, yfwd) six times, k3,
rep from to last three sts, M3
£ Rows 16, 18, 20, 22: M3, p to last
three sts, M3
£ Row 17: M3, k3, (yfwd, k2tog)
five times, k2, P3B, k2, (ssk, yfwd)
five times, k3, rep from to last three
sts, M3
£ Row 19: M3, k3, (yfwd, k2tog)
four times, k4, P2B, k4, (ssk, yfwd)
four times, k3, rep from to last
three sts, M3
£ Row 21: M3, k3, k2, (yfwd, k2tog)
three times, k5, P1B, k5, (ssk, yfwd)
three times, k5, rep from to last
three sts, M3
£ Row 23: M3, k3, k4, (yfwd, k2tog)
twice, k11, (ssk, yfwd) twice, k7, rep
from to last three sts, M3
£ Row 24: M3, p3, p4, P1B, p1, P1B,
p13, P1B, p1, P1B, p7, rep from to
last three sts, M3
£ Row 25: M3, k to last three sts, M3
£ Row 26: M3, p to last three sts, M3
£ Rows 27-30: rep Rows 25-26
twice more
£ Row 1: M3, k1, P1B, * k14, P1B,
rep from * to last four sts, k1, M3
£ Rows 2-6: keeping M3 edges
correct, beg with a p row, work
in st st
£ Row 7: M3, k3, * k6, yfwd,
k2tog, k7, rep from * to last three
sts, M3
£ Row 8: M3, p3, * p5, P1B, p9,
rep from * to last three sts, M3
£ Rows 9-12: keeping M3 edges
correct, beg with a k row, work
in st st
£ Row 1: M3, k3, * k6, P1B, k8,
rep from * to last three sts, M3
£ Row 2: M3, p3, * p5, k1, p9, rep
from * to last three sts, M3
£ Rows 3-4: rep Rows 1-2
once more
£ Row 5: M3, k3, * k4, k2tog, p1,
ssk, k6, rep from * to last three
sts, M3. 87 sts
£ Row 6: M3, p to last three sts,
£ Row 7: M3, k3, * k2, k2tog, k3,
ssk, k4, rep from * to last three
sts, M3. 75 sts
£ Row 8: as Row 6
£ Row 9: M3, k3, * k4, yfwd,
K3B, yfwd, k6, rep from * to last
three sts, M3. 87 sts
£ Row 10: M3, p3, * p3, kfb, k1,
kfb, p7, rep from * to last three
sts, M3. 99 sts
£ Row 11: M3, k to last three sts, M3
£ Row 12: M3, p3, * p4, k3, p8,
rep from * to last three sts, M3
£ Row 13: as Row 11
£ Row 14: M3, p3, * p5, k1, p9,
rep from * to last three sts, M3
£ Row 15: M3, k16, * P1B, k14,
rep from * to last five sts, k2, M3
£ Row 16: M3, p16, * k1, p14,
rep from * to last five sts, p2, M3
£ Rows 17-18: rep Rows 15-16
once more
£ Row 19: M3, k14, * k2tog, p1,
ssk, k10, rep from * to last seven
sts, k4, M3. 89 sts
£ Row 20: as Row 6
£ Row 21: M3, k12, * k2tog, k3,
ssk, k6, rep from * to last nine sts,
k6, M3. 79 sts
£ Row 22: as Row 6
£ Row 23: M3, k14, * yfwd, K3B,
yfwd, k10, rep from * to last seven
sts, k4, M3. 89 sts
£ Row 24: M3, p14, * kfb, k1, kfb,
p10, rep from * to last seven sts,
p4, M3. 99 sts
£ Row 25: as Row 11
£ Row 26: M3, p15, * k3, p12, rep
from * to last six sts, p3, M3
£ Row 27: as Row 11
£ Row 28: M3, p16, * k1, p14, rep
from * to last seven sts, p4, M3
NOTE: search Flowers in a Row
knitting pattern on YouTube.com
for a video guide; adjust centre
wraps/beads as required here
and when blocking
£ Row 1: M3, k to last three sts, M3
£ Row 2: M3, p3, * p2, F7, p6, rep
from * last three sts, M3
£ Row 3: M3, k3, * k3, D7L, k5, rep
from * to last three sts, M3
£ Row 4: M3, p3, * p2, k7, p6, rep
from * to last three sts, M3
£ Rows 5-10: keeping M3 edges,
beg with a k row, work in st st
P3B: take yarn between needles to
opposite side of work, sl 3 pwise,
position three beads centrally,
return yarn to original position
pbpf: p into back and front of yarn
overs from prev row
K3B: k once into three sts
below next st on LH needle,
dropping all loops
F7: k1, * insert RH needle in
next st kwise, wrap yarn around
needle three times, pull through to
complete st, rep from * four times
more, k1
D7L: p1, wyib sl next five sts pwise
dropping extra wraps, wyif sl five
elongated sts back onto LH
needle, wyib sl same five
elongated sts back onto RH
needle, bring yarn to front of work,
P1B, wyif sl same five sts back onto
LH needle, wyib sl same five sts
back onto RH needle, wyif p1
West Yorkshire Spinners Exquisite
Lace is a luxury blend of 80%
Falklands wool and 20% mulberry
silk. While it can be machine
washed, we’d suggest hand
washing delicate beaded knits like
this. It has an RRP of £14.95 per
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visit wyspinners.com