Let's Knit -UK (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1


yarn E, cast on 15 sts
£ Row 1: k
£ Row 2: (kfb) to end. 30 sts
£ Rows 3-12: k
£ Row 13: k10, (k2tog) five times, k
to end. 25 sts
£ Row 14: cast off 16 sts, k to end.
Nine sts
£ Row 15: cast off six sts, k to end.
Three sts
Cont on rem three sts for
shoe strap

Shoe strap
£ Rows 16-25: k
£ Cast off

DRESS (make two)
Using 3.75cm needles and yarn C,
cast on 26 sts
NOTE: work in stripe patt of two
rows yarn C and two rows yarn E
throughout unless otherwise

£ Rows 1-10: beg with a k (RS) row

work in st st
£ Cast off three sts at beg of
next two rows. 20 sts
£ Cont in st st stripe sequence
for eight rows more
Change to yarn E
£ Next row: k
£ Cast off

£ Using 3.75mm needles, yarn
D and with RS facing, pick up
and k 26 sts from cast-on edge
of bodice
£ Row 1: p
£ Row 2: k1, (kfb) to last st,
k1. 50 sts
£ Rows 3-18: beg with p row,
work in st st
£ Rows 19-20: k
Cast off

To make up Body and Head, sew
seam leaving base open to stuff.
Seam will run down back of doll.
Fill Head section first, then
partially stuff Body. Using needle
and matching yarn, begin at
back seam on marked neck row,
weave yarn in and out of every
stitch, and pull up tight to form
Head. Continue to stuff Body
but do not close base. Sew
seams on Arms, stuff but not too
firmly, and leave top open.
Attach to either side of Body at
shoulder height.
Cut strands of yarn B to
approximately 40cm in length.
Taking a small bunch of yarn at a
time, lay across top of Head, sew
along centre line of yarn, and
continue to add further bunches
of yarn until Head is covered.
Tidy yarn into two side bunches,
tie with Black DK and anchor at
each side of Head with stitches.
Wrap Ties around each bunch.
Form short loops with strands of
yarn B and attach to forehead as
fringe. Embroider eyes, nose
and mouth. Sew seam on Hat.
Curl Flower into shape, secure
with stitches, and attach to one
side of Hat. For Feet and Legs,
sew seams, stuff and shape,
pushing extra into foot section.
Flatten top of Legs so that seam
runs down centre back, pin
inside base of Body, and sew in
place. Sew Feet seams on
Shoes and put onto Feet. Secure
Shoe Straps in place. Add a
tiny button to each Shoe Strap.
For Dress, Sew side seams on
Dress Back and Front. Slip onto
doll, join shoulders at each side.
Wrap Belt around waist,
overlapping end, and secure
with stitches LK

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“The stitchwork
on your hat’s
flower will
create a nice
lacey edge.”

LK Acting Deputy
Editor Neti Love
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