£ Row 6: k1, skpo, k1, k2tog, k1.
Five sts
£ Rows 7-8: k
£ Cast off
TO MAKE UP (make two)
Using cast-on yarn tail of Legs,
sew each Leg to crotch. Sew
Body to neck then stuff. Keep
neck end open. With fastened-off
yarn tail, sew Head half way.
Gather cast-on edge and draw
tightly. Stitch up a little further,
stuff and close Head. Attach Ears
and eye beads. Using yarn A,
embroider nose and mouth. Sew
Arm seam, stuff and attach to
Body. Attach Head to Body
NOTE: heart jumper is
shown in brackets
Using 3.5mm (4mm) needles
and yarn C (E), cast on 17 sts
£ Row 1 (RS): k1, [p1, k1] to end
£ Row 2: p1, [k1, p1] to end
£ Row 3: as Row 1
£ Rows 4-5: beg with a
p row, work in st st
£ Rows 6-15: beg with
a WS row, work from
Star (Heart) Chart
Cont in yarn C (E) only
£ Rows 16-17: cont in st st
£ Row 18: cast off four
sts, p to end. 13 sts
£ Row 19: cast off four
sts, k to end. 9 sts
£ Rows 20-24: cont in st st
£ Cast off
£ Work as for Front
omitting Chart
Join Front and Back at right
shoulder seam, then sew
part of left shoulder seam
(make two)
£ Using 3.5mm needles and
yarn C (E), with RS facing, pick
up and k 16 sts evenly from the
centre of the edge of the jumper
£ Rows 1-2: beg with a
p row, work in st st
£ Rows 3-4: k
£ Cast off kwise
Place jumper on dog and sew
remaining shoulder, sleeve and
side seams. Roll down neck
Using 3.5mm needles and
yarn B, cast on seven sts
£ Row 1 (WS): p
£ Row 2: (kfb) to end. 14 sts
£ Rows 3-5: beg with a
p row, work in st st
£ Row 6: k4, (k2tog)
twice, k6. 12 sts
£ Rows 7-15: cont in st st
Cut yarn B, join yarn A
£ Rows 16-21: cont in st st
Cut yarn, leave these
sts on a holder
£ Work Rows 1-5 as for
Right Leg. 14 sts
£ Row 6: k6, (k2tog)
twice, k4. 12 sts
£ Rows 7-15: cont in st st
Do not cut yarn
£ Row 22: k12 from Left Leg,
then k12 from holder. 24 sts
£ Row 23: p
£ Row 24: k2tog, k to last
two sts, k2tog. 22 sts
£ Row 25: p
£ Row 26: k2tog, k to last
two sts, k2tog. 20 sts
£ Row 27: p2tog, p to last
two sts, p2tog. 18 sts
£ Rows 28-29: rep
Rows 26-27. 14 sts
£ Row 30: as Row 26. 12 sts
£ Row 31: p
£ Row 32: cast on five
sts, k to end. 17 sts
£ Row 33: cast on five
sts, p to end. 22 sts
£ Row 34: kfb, k to
last st, kfb. 24 sts
£ Rows 35-37: cont in st st
£ Row 38: (k3, kfb) three times,
(kfb, k3) three times. 30 sts
£ Rows 39-41: cont in st st
£ Row 42: (k4, kfb) three times,
(kfb, k4) three times. 36 sts
£ Rows 43-49: cont in st st
£ Row 50: (k4, k2tog)
three times, (k2tog, k4)
three times. 30 sts
£ Row 51 and all WS rows: p
£ Row 52: (k3, k2tog)
three times, (k2tog, k3)
three times. 24 sts
£ Row 54: (k2, k2tog)
three times, (k2tog, k2)
three times. 18 sts
£ Row 56: (k1, k2tog)
three times, (k2tog, k1)
three times. 12 sts
£ Cut yarn leaving a tail,
thread through sts, pull
tight and fasten off
NOTE: wind second ball
of yarn A for colourwork
Using 3.5mm needles and
yarn A, cast on 14 sts
£ Row 1 (WS): p
£ Row 2: (kfb) to end. 28 sts
£ Row 3: p
£ Row 4: (k3, kfb)
to end. 35 sts
NOTE: letter foll instruction
indicates yarn shade
£ Row 5: p16 A, p3 B, p16 A
Keeping colours correct
cont as folls:
£ Rows 6-15: cont in st st
£ Row 16: k2tog, (k1,
k2tog) four times, k2tog,
k3, k2tog, (k2tog, k1) four
times, k2tog. 23 sts
Cont in yarn B only
£ Rows 17-25: cont in st st
£ Row 26: (k2tog) to
last st, k1. 12 sts
£ Cut yarn leaving a tail,
thread through rem sts,
pull tight and fasten off
BACK LEG (make two)
Using 3.5mm needles and
yarn A, cast on nine sts
£ Row 1 (WS): p
£ Row 2: (kfb) to end. 18 sts
£ Rows 3-11: beg with a
p row, work in st st
Cut yarn A, join in yarn B
£ Rows 12-13: cont in st st
£ Row 14: k7, (k2tog)
twice, k7. 16 sts
£ Row 15: p
£ Row 16: k6, (k2tog)
twice, k6. 14 sts
£ Rows 17-21: cont in st st
£ Row 22: (k2tog) to
end. Seven sts
£ Cut yarn leaving a tail,
thread through rem sts,
pull tight and fasten off
EAR (make two)
Using 3.5mm needles and
yarn A, cast on eight sts
£ Rows 1-3: beg with a p
(WS) row, work in st st
£ Row 4: k1, k2tog, k2,
k2tog, k1. Six sts
£ Row 5: p
£ Row 6: k1, (k2tog)
twice, k1. Four sts
£ Row 7: p
£ Cast off
Key RS: knit WS: purl Yarn E Yarn F