Let's Knit -UK (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1


Insert the tapestry needle
knitwise into the first stitch
on the back needle and pull the
yarn through, leaving the stitch
on the needle.


Having set up as shown in Steps
1 and 2, repeat Steps 3 and 4
until all stitches have been grafted.
Insert the tapestry needle knitwise
into the first stitch on the front needle
and slide the stitch off. Before you
pull the yarn through this stitch insert
the tapestry needle into the next
stitch on the front needle purlwise
and pull the yarn through, this time
leaving the stitch on the needle.


Insert the tapestry needle
purlwise into the first stitch on
the back needle and slide it off.
Before pulling the yarn through this
stitch, insert the tapestry needle into
the next stitch on the back needle
knitwise and pull the yarn through,
leaving the stitch on the needle.

Kitchener stitch



0 no stitches, times or rows

  • no stitches, times
    or rows for that size
    alt alternate
    approx approximately
    beg beginning
    C4F (cable 4 front) slip two
    stitches on to cable
    needle, hold at front of
    work, k2, k2 from
    cable needle
    C4B (cable 4 back) slip two
    stitches onto cable needle,
    hold at back of work, k2,
    k2 from cable needle
    ch chain stitch
    ch sp chain space
    cm centimetres
    cn cable needle
    cont continue (ing)
    dc double crochet
    dc2tog (insert hook into next
    stitch, yarn over hook, pull
    through loop) twice, yarn
    over hook, pull through all
    three loops on hook
    dec decrease (ing)
    dpn(s) double pointed
    dtr double treble crochet
    foll (s) following (follows)
    htr half treble crochet
    inc increase (ing)
    k knit
    kfb knit into the front and
    the back of next stitch
    kfbf knit into the front, back and
    front of the next stitch
    k2tog knit two stitches together
    kwise knitwise
    k wrap insert right hand needle up
    tog with^ through the wrap and into
    st the stitch, knit the wrap
    together with stitch
    LH left hand
    m1 make one stitch, by
    picking up the horizontal
    loop before next stitch and
    knitting into the back of it
    m1p make one stitch, by
    picking up the horizontal
    loop before next stitch and
    purling into the back of it
    meas measure (s)
    mm millimetres
    N1 (2, 3) needle 1 (2, 3)
    p purl
    patt pattern
    pb place bead
    pfb purl into the front and
    back of next st
    pm place marker
    p2tog purl two stitches together
    prev previous
    psso pass slipped stitch over
    and off needle
    p2sso pass two slipped stitches
    over and off needle
    pwise purlwise
    rem remain (ing)
    rep repeat (ing)
    rev st st reverse stocking stitch (p
    on RS row, k on WS row)
    rm remove marker
    rnd(s) round(s)
    RH right hand

RS right side
skpo slip one, knit one, pass
slipped stitch over
sk2po slip next stitch kwise, knit
two together, pass slipped
stitch over and off needle

(^) sl 2, k1,
slip next two stitches
(^) knitwise at the same time,^
(^) knit one, pass both
slipped stitches over
(^) tog withp wrap^ the left hand to right hand Slip the wrapped stitch from
st needle, insert left hand
needle into wrap, return
stitch to left hand needle,
purl wrap and stitch together
(^) sl 1 slip one stitch
sl st slip stitch
sm slip marker
sp (s) space(s)
(^) ssk (^) one by one slip the next two
stitches knitwise. Put your
left needle through the front
loops of both slipped stitches
and knit them together
st (s) stitch (es)
st st stocking stitch (k on RS
row, p on WS row)
tbl through the back loop (s)
(^) tr treble crochet
w&t (on knit rows) take the yarn
between the needles to
the front of the work, slip the
next stitch from the Left
Hand needle to the Right
Hand needle purlwise, take
the yarn between the needles
back to its original position,
slip the stitch back to the Left
Hand needle and turn
(on purl rows) take the yarn
between the needles to the
back of the work, slip the
next stitch from the Left
Hand needle to the Right
Hand needle purlwise, take
the yarn between the needles
back to its original position,
slip the stitch back to the Left
Hand needle and turn
WS wrong side
wyib with yarn in back
wyif with yarn in front
yb yarn back
yfwd yarn forward (between
knit stitches)
yo work yfwd/yon/yrn as
yoh yarn over hook
yon yarn over needle (between
a purl and a knit stitch)
yrn yarn round needle
(between purl stitches
and between a knit and a
purl stitch)
y2rn wrap yarn twice around

  • repeat instructions^
    following the asterisk as
    many times as instructed
    () [ ] work instructions inside
    the brackets as many
    times as instructed
    This is a brilliant technique for grafting toe stitches together on socks. It is
    worked as follows:
    SET UP: Before starting you
    need to prepare the stitches on
    the needle. Hold the two needles
    with the remaining stitches
    parallel. The loose end of yarn
    should be coming from the back
    needle and lying to the right of
    the work.
    Thread yarn end onto a tapestry
    needle and insert it purlwise into
    the first stitch on the needle closest
    to you. Pull the yarn through but
    leave the stitch on the needle.
    Join our
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