Newsweek - USA (2021-02-12)

(Antfer) #1


4:24 PM: /eigh Ann Caldwell of NBC
News tweets a video from inside the
Cannon +ouse 2 fɿce BuildingŜ“)BI
SWAT team in Capitol complex”Ŝshe
shows a 12-man armed tactical team in
military fatigues with )BI markings.
At 5 PM, Mike Balsamo of the AP re-
sponds “An )BI spokeswoman said agents
were being deployed to “assist our 8 .S. Cap-
itol Police partners as reTuested in protec-
tion of federal property and public safety.”

4:24 PM: 8 .S. Marshals Service, an
element of the 'epartment of -ustice,
tweets “The 8 .S. Marshals Service is
joining with other law enforcement agen-
cies in supporting the 8 .S. Capitol Police
during operations in Washington, '.C.”

4:30 PM: - ulian (. Barnes and Mark
Ma]]etti later write in The New York
Times “A column of ).B.I. and 'epartment
of +omeland Security agents in riot gear
entered the 'irksen Senate 2 fɿce Build-
ing around 0 p.m. on Wednesday, and
ofɿcers from WashingtonŠs police force
headed to the Capitol in a show of force to
end violent protests, looting and vandalism.”
“The ).B.I. has been deployed to as-
sist our 8 .S. Capitol Police partners, as
reTuested, in protection of federal prop-
erty and public safety,” the )BI said.

4:32 PM: Acting Secretary Christopher
Miller provides verbal authori]ation for
a change in mission for the '.C. National
*uard so that they can conduct perimeter


Clear? All Clear?


and “clearance operations” in support of the
8 SCP, not just the '.C. Police. +e directs
Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy to
“provide public notiɿcation of support.”

4:33 PM: reporter -ulio
Rosas tweets a video from outside the
Capitol, showing tear gas being used
as protestors use a now-stolen police
barricade to try to break through another
door “Rioter uses a metal barricade to try
to break open a Capitol building door.”

4:36 PM: CNN 'ecision 'esk proj-
ects that -on 2 ssoff will win the Sen-
ate runoff in *eorgia, giving 'em-
ocrats control of the Senate.

4:40 PM: President Trump, in a video
message posted on Twitter, tells support-
ers to “go home.” Trump says “I know your
pain. I know your hurt. But you have to go
home now.” +e also went on to call the
supporters “very special.” +e also said,
“we canŠt play into the hands of these
people. We have to have peace. So, go
home. We love you. <ouŠre very special.”

4:40 PM: Secretary of the Army McCarthy
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