
(Stevenselfio) #1
Figure 7C. If we share the same experiences, we share the same emotions
and the same energy. Just like two atoms of oxygen bond to form the air we
breathe, an invisible field of energy (beyond space and time) bonds us

So when our friend in the example in the last section begins to tell the
truth about how she really feels, things begin to get very uncomfortable. If
her friendships have been based upon complaining about life, then she is
bonded energetically in her relationships by the emotions of victimization.
If, in a moment of enlightenment, she now decides to break from that habit
of being herself, she is no longer showing up as that familiar person to
whom everyone could relate. People in her life are using her to remind
themselves of who they are emotionally as well. Friends and family
respond: “What is wrong with you today? You’ve hurt my feelings!” Which
translates to: I thought we had a good thing going here! I used you to
reaffirm my emotional addiction in order to remember who I think I am as a
“somebody.” I liked you better the other way.
When it comes to change, our energy is connected to everything that
we’ve had an experience with in our outer world. When we break the

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