
(Stevenselfio) #1

victimization, resentment, and lack. Whenever opportunity knocked, her
victimhood reared its ugly head and produced an undesirable outcome. Her
destructive emotions and the energy associated with them had virtually
frozen her in a stagnant state of thinking, doing, and being. No matter what
she did to try to change this situation, she and her ex-husband were bonded
together by their mutual negative experiences, emotions, and energies; and
thus none of her efforts ever changed her circumstances with him.
The workshop helped Pamela realize that she had to break this bond. She
had to let go of the emotions that defined her in her present reality. She also
learned how a cycle of thinking, feeling, and acting in the same way for
years could produce a cascade effect that might trigger genes for disease—
and she didn’t want that to happen. Something had to give.
I like that phrase, because as Pamela told me afterward, during the
meditation she recognized the injurious emotions that her victimization had
set in motion—impatience with her kids, complaining and blaming, and
feelings of desperation and lack. She let go of those emotions associated
with past experiences, simultaneously releasing her self-involved state of
being, and gave them up to the greater mind.
In so doing, Pamela released all of that frozen energy into the quantum
field, closing the gap between who she thought she was and who she
presented to the world. She did this so well—she started to feel so
overjoyed and grateful—that she wanted abundance for everyone, not just
herself. She moved from selfish emotions to selfless emotions. She got up
from that meditation a different person from who she was before it.
Pamela’s energy release signaled the field to begin organizing outcomes
that were just right for the new self she was in the process of becoming.
Almost immediately, she received evidence of this in two forms.
The first involved her Internet business. When she had previously tried a
promotion, she fretted about the response to it, constantly checking her
website, and saw only mediocre results. She initiated her second promotion
the morning of the workshop, but was too busy to think about the results
during the day. That evening, she was feeling the positive effects of having
let go of the past. She felt even better when she discovered that she had
earned nearly $10,000 that day from the promotion she’d run!
Pamela received the second piece of evidence three days later when her
caseworker called to report that her ex had sent a check not just for that

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