
(Stevenselfio) #1

know what all of these domains are, you will be more adept at knowing
when you are in the brain-wave state where the ego tries in vain to change
the ego (God knows, I’ve been there), and when you are in the brain-wave
state that is the fertile ground of true change.
As children grow, the frequencies that predominate in their brains
progress from Delta to Theta to Alpha and then to Beta. Our job in
meditation is to become like a child, moving from Beta to Alpha to Theta to
(for the adept or mystic) Delta. So understanding the progression of brain-
wave changes during human development can help demystify the process of
how we experience meditation.

Brain-Wave Development in Children:
From Subconscious to Conscious Mind

Delta. Between birth and two years old, the human brain functions
primarily in the lowest brain-wave levels, from 0.5 to 4 cycles per second.
This range of electromagnetic activity is known as Delta waves. Adults in
deep sleep are in Delta; this explains why a newborn usually can’t remain
awake for more than a few minutes at a time (and why even with their eyes
open, young babies can be asleep). When one-year-olds are awake, they’re
still primarily in Delta, because they function principally from their
subconscious. Information from the outside world enters their brains with
little editing, critical thinking, or judgment taking place. The thinking brain
—the neocortex, or conscious mind—is operating at very low levels at this

Theta. From about ages two to five or six, a child begins to demonstrate
slightly higher EEG patterns. These Theta-wave frequencies measure 4 to 8
cycles per second. Children functioning in Theta tend to be trancelike and
primarily connected to their internal world. They live in the abstract and in
the realm of imagination, and exhibit few of the nuances of critical, rational
thinking. Thus, young children are likely to accept what you tell them. (P.S.
Santa is real.) At this stage, phrases such as the following have a huge
impact: Big boys don’t cry. Girls should be seen and not heard. Your sister
is smarter than you. If you get cold, you’ll catch a cold. These types of

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