
(Stevenselfio) #1

statements go straight to the subconscious mind, because these slow brain-
wave states are the realm of the subconscious (hint, hint).

Alpha. Between ages five and eight, brain waves change again, to an
Alpha frequency: 8 to 13 cycles per second. The analytical mind begins to
form at this point in childhood development; children start to interpret and
draw conclusions about the laws of external life. At the same time, the inner
world of imagination tends to be as real as the outer world of reality.
Children in this age-group typically have a foot in both worlds. That’s why
they pretend so well. For instance, you may ask a child to pretend that he is
a dolphin in the sea, a snowflake in the wind, or a superhero coming to the
rescue, and hours later, he is still in character. Ask an adult to do the same,
and well ... you already know the answer.

Beta. From ages 8 to 12 and onward, brain activity increases to even
higher frequencies. Anything above 13 cycles per second in children is the
frontier for Beta waves. Beta goes on and up to varying degrees from there
throughout adulthood, and is representative of conscious, analytical
After age 12, the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious
mind usually closes. Beta is actually divided into low-, mid-, and high-
range Beta waves. As children progress into their teens, they tend to move
from low-range Beta up into mid-and high-range Beta waves, as seen in
most adults.

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