
(Stevenselfio) #1

As you can imagine, when the brain is in high Beta and you’re
processing sensory information—involving the environment, your body,
and time—that activity can create a bit of chaos. Along with understanding
that the electrical impulses in your brain occur in a certain quantity (cycles
per second), it’s also important to be aware of the quality of the signal. Just
as the discussion of quantum creating showed how vital it is to send a
coherent signal into the field to indicate your intended future outcome, the
same coherence is essential to your thinking and your brain waves.
At any one time when you’re in the Beta range of frequencies, one of the
Big Three will have more of your attention. If you’re thinking about being
late, your emphasis is on time—that thought is sending a higher-frequency
wave through your neocortex. Of course, you’re also aware of, and
therefore sending electromagnetic impulses related to, your body and the
environment. It’s just that in the case of the latter two, you’re sending
different wave patterns with a lower frequency through the neocortex.
Your time-focused brain waves might look like this:

Your environment-focused brain waves might look like this:

Your body-focused brain waves might look like this:

Your fractured attention, caused by trying to focus simultaneously on all
of the Big Three, would then produce a brain-wave pattern that might look
like this:

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