
(Stevenselfio) #1

As you can see, those three different patterns together during stress
produce an incoherent signal in high-Beta mode. If you’re anything like me,
you’ve had experiences when that last drawing represents how your
thoughts felt: scattered.
When we are plugged into all three dimensions—the environment, the
body, and time—the brain tries to integrate their varied frequencies and
wave patterns. That takes up an enormous amount of processor time and
space. If we can eliminate our focus on any one of those, the patterns that
emerge will be more coherent, and we’ll be better able to process them.

Figure 8D. In the first picture, the energy is orderly, organized, and
rhythmic. When energy is highly synchronous and patterned, it is
profoundly more powerful. The light emitted by a laser is an example of
coherent waves of energy all moving together in unison. In the second
picture, the energy patterns are chaotic, disintegrated, and out of phase. An
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