
(Stevenselfio) #1
Figure 8F. In time, we begin to learn by association through different
interactions between our inner world and our outer world, through our

In both examples, we could say that the moment the child notices an
internal chemical change in the body, the brain perks up and pays attention
to whatever it was in the outer environment that caused this alteration, be it
pleasure or pain. These types of identifications and associations begin to
slowly develop many habits, skills, and behaviors.
As you learned, somewhere around the age of six or seven, as brain
waves change into Alpha, the child begins to develop the analytical or
critical mind. For most children, the analytical mind usually finishes
developing between ages 7 and 12.

Meditation Takes Us Beyond Analytical
Mind and into the Subconscious

In Figure 8G, the line that runs across the top of the circle is the
analytical mind, which acts as a barrier to separate the conscious from the
subconscious mind. In adults, this critical mind loves to reason, evaluate,
anticipate, forecast, compare what it knows to what it’s learning, or contrast

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