
(Stevenselfio) #1

knowns and unknowns. For the most part, when adults are conscious, their
analytical minds are always working, and thus they are functioning in some
realm of Beta waves.

Figure 8G. Between the ages of six and seven, the analytical mind begins
to form. It acts as a barrier to separate the conscious mind from the
subconscious mind, and it usually finishes developing somewhere between
7 and 12 years old.

Now take a look at Figure 8H. Above that line representing the analytical
mind is the conscious mind, which is 5 percent of the total mind. This is the
seat of logic and reasoning, which contributes to our will, our faith, our
intentions, and our creative abilities.
The subconscious mind, which makes up about 95 percent of who we
are, consists of those positive and negative identifications and associations
that give rise to habits and behaviors.

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