
(Stevenselfio) #1

Figure 8H. The total mind is made up of 5 percent conscious mind and 95
percent subconscious mind. The conscious mind primarily operates using
logic and reasoning, which gives rise to our will, faith, creative abilities,
and intentions. The subconscious mind comprises our myriad positive and
negative identifications, which give rise to habits, behaviors, skills, beliefs,
and perceptions.

Figure 8I illustrates the most fundamental purpose of meditation
(represented by the arrow): to get beyond the analytical mind. When we are
in this mind, we cannot truly change. We can analyze our old self, but we
cannot uninstall the old programs and install new ones.
Meditation opens the door between the conscious and subconscious
minds. We meditate to enter the operating system of the subconscious,
where all of those unwanted habits and behaviors reside, and change them
to more productive modes to support us in our lives.

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