
(Stevenselfio) #1

Figure 8I. One of the main purposes of meditation is to go beyond the
conscious mind and enter the subconscious mind, in order to change self-
destructive habits, behaviors, beliefs, emotional reactions, attitudes, and
unconscious states of being.

Meditation Takes Us from Beta into
Alpha and Theta Brain-Wave States

Let’s examine how you can learn to change gears and access other brain-
wave states so you can go beyond your association with the body, the
environment, and time. You can naturally slow down the high-speed
vigilance of the brain and body into a more relaxed, orderly, systemized
pattern of brain waves.
Thus, it is quite possible to consciously alter your brain waves from that
high-frequency Beta state into Alpha and Theta (you can train yourself to
move up and down the scale of brain waves). As you do, you will open
doors to true personal change. You trespass beyond the common type of
thinking that is fueled by reactions to being in survival mode; you are
entering the realm of the subconscious mind.
During meditation, you transcend the feelings of the body, are no longer
at the mercy of the environment, and lose track of time. You forget about

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