
(Stevenselfio) #1

undivided attention, or are involved in activities that require heightened
concentration. At such times you might be in middle to high Beta, and it
may take more effort to slip through the door.

Figure 8J. This diagram shows how our brain-wave functions move from
the highest and fastest state of activity (Beta) to the lowest and slowest
(Delta). Please take note that Alpha serves as the bridge between the
conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The lower/slower the brain
waves, the more we are in the subconscious mind; the higher/faster the
brain waves, the more we are in the conscious mind.

Taking Control of the Progression into Meditation

Inward contemplative practices retrain the mind, body, and brain to
become present, instead of being stressed in anticipation of some future
event you are obsessing about. Meditation also lifts the anchor of the body-
mind out of the past and frees you from the emotions that keep you hooked
to the same familiar life.

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