
(Stevenselfio) #1




As I stated earlier, the main purpose of meditating is to remove your
attention from the environment, your body, and the passage of time so that
what you intend, what you think, becomes your focus instead of these
externals. You can then change your internal state independent of the
outside world. Meditating is also a means for you to move beyond your
analytical mind so that you can access your subconscious mind. That’s
crucial, since the subconscious is where all your bad habits and behaviors
that you want to change reside.


All the information you have received up to this point has been intended
to help you understand what you will be doing in this section, as you learn
how to use the meditative process to create a new reality. And once you
comprehend and repeatedly execute the “how-to” steps presented here, you
can then work on anything that you want to change in your life. Remind
yourself often that in taking the steps to change, you are pruning away the
habit of being yourself so that you can create a new mind for your new
future. When I do the process you are about to learn, I want to lose myself
in consciousness, dissociate from my known reality, and be devoid of the
thoughts and feelings that define me as the old self.
In the beginning, the newness of the task you are undertaking might
cause you to feel unsettled or uncomfortable. That’s okay. It’s just your
body, which has become your mind, resisting the new training process.
Understand this before you initiate your discipline, and relax—each step is
designed to be easy to understand and simple to follow. Personally, I look
forward to my meditation practice as much as anything I do. I find such

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