
(Stevenselfio) #1
through 6, then add STEP 7: Creating and

Please take your time and build a strong foundation. If you are already an
experienced meditator and want to do more at once, that’s fine, but work at
following all the instructions and committing what you will be doing to
When you can concentrate on what you’re doing without letting your
thoughts wander to any extraneous stimuli, you will come to a point when
your body actually aligns with your mind. Now your new skill will become
easier and easier to do, thanks to Hebb’s law of firing and wiring. The
ingredients of learning, attention, instruction, and practice will develop an
associated neural network to reflect your intentions.


Preparing Your Tools

The write stuff. Separately from your meditation sessions, you will read
some descriptive text about each step, often accompanied by questions and
prompts under the heading “Opportunity to Write.” I recommend that you
keep a notebook handy to write down your answers. Then review your
responses before you go into each day’s meditation. That way, your written
thoughts can serve as a road map to prepare you to navigate through the
meditative procedures in which you will access the operating system of
your subconscious.

Listen up. When you are first learning the meditation steps, you may
want to listen to prerecorded guided sessions. For example, you will learn
an induction technique that you will use in every one of your daily sessions,
to help you reach the highly coherent Alpha brain-wave state in preparation
for the approach that is the focus of Chapters 11 to 13. In addition, the steps
you are to learn each week are available for you to follow in a series of
guided meditations.

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