
(Stevenselfio) #1

Two Approaches to the Meditation

Meditation Option 1: Wherever you see this headphone icon ...

... a guided induction or meditation is available. To listen to these guided
sessions, you can download them from and either
play them in MP3 format or burn them onto a CD.
After you read each chapter, then journal your responses in a notebook,
you can download the corresponding meditation. Each week, as you add the
next step or steps to those you practiced the previous week, you can find the
next related meditation available for download. They will be listed as the
“Week One meditation,” “Week Two meditation,” “Week Three
meditation,” and “Week Four meditation”—Week Four will include the
entire meditation.
For example, when you hear the Week Two meditation, it will lead you
through the Week One step—which is an induction technique—then will
add the three steps you will practice for Week Two. When you do the Week
Three meditation, you will repeat the steps you learned in Weeks One and
Two, then add the steps for Week Three.

Meditation Option 2 : Alternatively, scripts for these guided sessions are
included in the Appendices so that you can read them until you memorize
the sequence, or dictate them into a recording device.
Appendices A and B provide two techniques for the induction. Appendix
C is the script for the entire meditation, encompassing all of the steps you
will learn in Part III. If you decide to use the Appendix C script to guide
your meditation, then each week, please start with the steps you learned in
previous weeks, then build on them by doing that week’s meditation.

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