
(Stevenselfio) #1

Not only did I suggest that she stay out of bed when she meditates, but
that she find a different place separate from her bedroom. When you want
to build a new neural network, it makes good sense to do your mindfulness
practices in a setting that represents growth, regeneration, and a new future.
And please, do not see this location as a torture chamber in which you
have to meditate. This type of attitude will undermine your efforts.

Preventing distractions from your environment. Make sure you won’t
be interrupted or distracted by people (a DO NOT DISTURB sign can help)
or pets. As much as possible, eliminate sensory stimuli that could force
your mind back to your old personality or to awareness of the external
world, especially to elements of your familiar environment. Turn off your
phone and computer; I know it’s hard, but those calls, texts, tweets, IMs,
and e-mails can wait. You also don’t want the aroma of coffee brewing or
food cooking to waft into your meditation setting. Ensure that the room is a
comfortable temperature, with no drafts. I usually use a blindfold.

Music. Music can be useful as long as you don’t play selections that will
bring to mind distracting associations. If I play music, I typically use soft,
relaxing, trance-inducing instrumentals or chants without lyrics. When not
listening to music, I often put in earplugs.

Preparing Your Body

Position, position, position. I sit up very straight. My back is totally
vertical, my neck is erect, my arms and legs are resting poised and still, and
my body is relaxed. What about using a recliner? Just as with sitting in bed,
many people fall asleep in recliners. Sitting upright in a regular chair, limbs
uncrossed, is best. If you prefer to sit on the ground and cross your legs
“Indian-style,” that’s fine, too.

Preventing bodily distractions. In effect, you want to “put the body
away” so that you can focus without needing to pay it any attention. For
example, use the restroom. Dress in loose clothes, remove your watch,

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