
(Stevenselfio) #1

destiny of your brain and body—the automatic, enslaving hardwired programs
of the mind and the memorized emotions that have chemically conditioned the
Only when you are truly conscious and aware do you begin to wake up from
the dream. To become still, quiet, patient, and relaxed, and then be attentive to
the habits of the old-personality self, disengages your subjective consciousness
from overutilized attitudes and extreme emotional states. You no longer are the
same mind, because you are now freeing yourself from the chains of the self-
centered nature of the ego lost in itself. And when you see who you have been,
by means of the observer’s watchful eye, you will crave life more, because you
will truly desire to make a greater difference the next day.
As you develop the skills of contemplation and self-observation, you are
cultivating the ability to separate your consciousness from the subconscious
programs that have defined the old self. To move your consciousness from
being the old self to being the observer of the old self loosens the connection to
the old you. And as you recognize who you have been through the skill of
metacognition (your ability via the frontal lobe to observe who you are being),
for the first time your consciousness is no longer immersed in unconscious
programs; you are becoming conscious of what was once unconscious. This is
making the first strides toward personal change.

Begin Your Own Life Review

In order to discover and explore aspects of the old self that you want to
change, it is necessary to pose some “frontal lobe” questions.

Opportunity to Write
Take some time to ask yourself questions such as these, or any
others that occur to you, and write down your answers:

What kind of person have I been?
What type of person do I present to the world? (What is one side
of my “gap” like?)
What kind of person am I really like inside? (What is the other
side of my “gap” like?)
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